Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Half-Sized Business Card

The foods we eat, the places we shop, the mantras we subscribe to - living the good green life has had an effect on the way that we do everyday things. The way we do every-day-business is also feeling the pressure to succumb to the eco-will of the masses.

The half-card trend is one that clearly speaks to this trend. Not only are people using recycled papers, but many designers have decided that precious white space takes back seat to precious raw resources. Here are a few fantastic examples of what can be done with half the paper.

via The Sky Was Pink

Cards From Card Observer

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Hip Recycled Business Card

How do you create a paper business card for an environmental consultant ?
What kind of card would pass the eco-scrutiny that a person in this position would be subject to ?

You don't design a card at all, but rather, a stamp - a stamp that can happily punch out the details of contact information on every scrap piece of paper in any colour that the consultant desires.
What an amazing way to make an impression...  I can envision the exchange that takes place when Andrea Romani's future clients ask for her phone number...

"Oh ! Your an environmental consultant. Do you have a card ?"
"One sec,"(She grabs a scrap of napkin from the table and pushes ink onto it) "Here you go. "

What a strong eco-impression like no other.  Amazing !

via Cherry Flava 

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Corrugated Cardboard Love

Eco Furniture for Green Spaces is all the rage, and this bio-degradable upcycled and re-used corrugated cardboard accent furniture doesn't disappoint. This table can be used vertically or horizontally, and boasts a stylish built in magazine rack.

Displayed at this year's Argentinian Pure Design Expo "Feria Puro DiseƱo 2010", these unique pieces are sure to please even the most discerning green tastes. The designer, Buenos Aires' Santiago Morahan, works with urban garbage collectors and buys the old cardboard boxes from them, then turns them into art.

Urban garbage collectors get paid more from the designer than they would from a recycling factory, so not only is his amazing artwork eco-conscious, but it is also helping to create a better wage for people who, essentially, create their own jobs collecting cardboard from the garbage.
Ecologically green, socially just and creative ? Where do I sign up ?