Wow. I just happened upon these steampunk eco-artworks. Perfect little critters made of discarded watches, old nuts, bolts, and bullets. How's that for a 180 degree upcycle?
(We think it's a metal-gear solid one.)
From violent ammunition to steampunk anthropods, artist Tom Hardwidge's creatures express more than the hipster aesthetic you might glean at first glance.
For just a moment, imagine these bullet-locusts flying through the air in true matrix fashion.
The visual appeals to my senses and to my imagination, and serves as a rusty omen of a looming warfare-caused doomsday. Lifeless, unnatural, and completely manufactured by human beings.
(We think it's a metal-gear solid one.)
From violent ammunition to steampunk anthropods, artist Tom Hardwidge's creatures express more than the hipster aesthetic you might glean at first glance.
For just a moment, imagine these bullet-locusts flying through the air in true matrix fashion.
The visual appeals to my senses and to my imagination, and serves as a rusty omen of a looming warfare-caused doomsday. Lifeless, unnatural, and completely manufactured by human beings.
See more at the artist's site