Thursday, May 19, 2011

Upcycling Bullets into Anthrobots

Wow. I just happened upon these steampunk eco-artworks. Perfect little critters made of discarded watches, old nuts, bolts, and bullets. How's that for a 180 degree upcycle?
(We think it's a metal-gear solid one.)

From violent ammunition to steampunk anthropods, artist Tom Hardwidge's creatures express more than the hipster aesthetic you might glean at first glance.

For just a moment, imagine these bullet-locusts flying through the air in true matrix fashion.
The visual appeals to my senses and to my imagination, and serves as a rusty omen of a looming warfare-caused doomsday. Lifeless, unnatural, and completely manufactured by human beings.

See more at the artist's site

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Greener Look. Greener Heart?

As we move beyond the era of recycling novelty we are starting to surround ourselves with things that look and feel green. Natural fibres, raw wood, dried branches, mini-containers with living moss - the style is fresh and organic and lovely. It's that summer and lemongrass feeling of a spa in your own home,  and the look is eco-divine.


The more I think about this look, however; the more I wonder if we aren't giving ourselves the illusion of being eco-advocates.  I am a huge fan of FSC or repurposed wood. If given the choice I would chose organic cotton over regular cotton, of course. It makes me feel great to purchase sustainable products for my home. Sometimes, it makes me feel so great, in fact; that I stop thinking about what I need to do to make the world a better place. I feel like I have done my part by buying up beautiful eco-friendly things.

So here's where my contemplation begins and my doubts creep in... do dried tree stumps, moss stolen from its natural fauna & fake animal antlers make me a greener, better person? I'm pretty sure they don't.
They certainly allow me to look that way, though. 

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Designing Posters for Change

Designers, artists, architects, song writers, singers, actors - creatives of all types have the power to weave truths in a powerful way. Here's a poster project that I can get behind and promote with all my hype-hype-heart and gusto. Wonderful messages, wonderfully designed, communicating to the masses in a way that works. These are my kind of designers -I'll have to get involved with this one!

My only question to Green Patriot Posters : Where can we order these wonderful prints? I have wallspace and these are just about perfect for my office.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Saving the Planet with Advertising

The persuasive and clever designer can move through empathy & emotion.
As a visual communicator I feel an ethical responsibility to deliver authentic, real advertising that doesn't bend the truth or greenwash a product.

This WWF campaign (Ogilvy and Mather) is a true testament to great visual rhetoric.
Honest, real, and emotion driven. Well done!